14 January, 2012

Talking about others talk.

People often talk about others, there's no denying about it. No matter for good or for worse. I did too, a lot of times. But somehow, I still wonder how some people that will remain nameless unless siapa makan cili dia yang terasa pedasnya, can talk about people to everyone. Not just that, they even made up stories or or made some unbelievable judgment on people they even barely knew! Impossible, right? Because I've always believe that everyone always think only the nicest thing about everyone. Sort of naïve, I can be sometimes. Well, we do judge and as we talk, we try to voice out our judgment as minimal as possible. Unless, the annoying traits of that person are so obvious that no nice words can cover it. But then, who are we to just bluntly throw judgments on others when we speak? Especially when we don't even know them personally. Even knowing them personally won't guarantee that you know them inside out... *sigh*

I'm just sick of hearing rubbish about someone I know, or even about me. Come on. If you want to know the real thing, you come to me. Ask me personally and specifically. Not reading my timeline, or my blog. What can these on-the-spot thoughts can tell you about me? And how can you be so sure that what I wrote is the truth?

For all I know, you judgmental people can blabber all you want. I, with all the joy in this world will live on, bitches and fuckers.